lucit_licensing_python package


lucit_licensing_python.cli module

async lucit_licensing_python.licensing_cli.cli()[source]

LUCIT License Manager Command Line Interface

Query contingents of your license:
$ lucitlicmgr –quotas
Test the availability of the Licensing API:
$ lucitlicmgr –test
Query server timestamp of the Licensing API:
$ lucitlicmgr –timestamp
Query the version of the Licensing API:
$ lucitlicmgr –version

lucit_licensing_python.exceptions module

exception lucit_licensing_python.licensing_exceptions.NoValidatedLucitLicense[source]

Bases: Exception

No valid LUCIT license verification.

lucit_licensing_python.manager module

class lucit_licensing_python.licensing_manager.LucitLicensingManager(api_secret: str | None = None, license_token: str | None = None, license_ini: str | None = None, license_profile: str | None = None, program_used: str | None = None, start: bool = True, parent_shutdown_function: Callable[[bool], bool] | None = None, needed_license_type: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: Thread

close(close_api_session: bool = True, key_value: str | None = None) dict[source]
get_info(api_secret: str | None = None, license_token: str | None = None) dict[source]
get_quotas(api_secret: str | None = None, license_token: str | None = None) dict[source]
get_timestamp() dict[source]
get_version() dict[source]
is_verified() bool[source]
process_licensing_error(info: str | None = None)[source]
reset(api_secret: str | None = None, license_token: str | None = None) dict[source]

Method representing the thread’s activity.

You may override this method in a subclass. The standard run() method invokes the callable object passed to the object’s constructor as the target argument, if any, with sequential and keyword arguments taken from the args and kwargs arguments, respectively.

stop() dict[source]
sync_time() bool[source]
test() dict[source]
verify(api_secret: str | None = None, license_token: str | None = None, key_value: str | None = None) dict[source]

Module contents