Source code for lucit_licensing_python.licensing_manager

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File: lucit_licensing_python/
# Project website:
# Github:
# Documentation:
# PyPI:
# LUCIT Online Shop:
# License: LSOSL - LUCIT Synergetic Open Source License
# Author: LUCIT Systems and Development
# Copyright (c) 2023-2023, LUCIT Systems and Development (
# All rights reserved.

import cython
import hashlib
import hmac
import logging
import os
import platform
import requests
import threading
import time
import uuid
from configparser import ConfigParser, ExtendedInterpolation
from copy import deepcopy
from operator import itemgetter
from pathlib import Path
from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError, RequestException, HTTPError
from simplejson.errors import JSONDecodeError
from typing import Optional, Callable
    from .licensing_exceptions import NoValidatedLucitLicense
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    from lucit_licensing_python.licensing_exceptions import NoValidatedLucitLicense

__app_name__: str = "lucit-licensing-python"
__version__: str = ""
__logger__ = logging.getLogger("lucit_licensing_python")
logger = __logger__

[docs] class LucitLicensingManager(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, api_secret: Optional[str] = None, license_token: Optional[str] = None, license_ini: Optional[str] = None, license_profile: Optional[str] = None, program_used: Optional[str] = None, start: bool = True, parent_shutdown_function: Callable[[bool], bool] = None, needed_license_type: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__() self.module_version: str = __version__ self.parent_shutdown_function = parent_shutdown_function self.is_started = start self.sigterm = False = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.last_verified_licensing_result = None self.mac = str(hex(uuid.getnode())) self.needed_license_type = needed_license_type self.os = platform.system() self.program_used = program_used self.python_version = platform.python_version() self.raised_license_exception = None self.request_interval = 20 self.time_delta = 0.0 self.url: str = "" if self.needed_license_type == "UNICORN-BINANCE-SUITE": self.shop_product_url = "" else: self.shop_product_url = "" license_ini_search: bool = False if license_ini is None: license_ini = "lucit_license.ini" else: license_ini_search = True if license_profile is None: license_profile = "LUCIT" if api_secret is not None or license_token is not None: logger.debug(f"Loading LUCIT license from parameters.") self.api_secret = api_secret self.license_token = license_token elif os.path.isfile(f"{license_ini}"):"Loading license file `{license_ini}`") config = ConfigParser(interpolation=ExtendedInterpolation()) try: self.api_secret = config[license_profile]['api_secret'] self.license_token = config[license_profile]['license_token']"Loading profile `{license_profile}`") except KeyError: info = f"Unknown license profile: {license_profile}" self.process_licensing_error(info) elif os.path.isfile(f"{Path.home()}/.lucit/{license_ini}"):"Loading license file `{Path.home()}/.lucit/{license_ini}`") config = ConfigParser(interpolation=ExtendedInterpolation())"{Path.home()}/.lucit/{license_ini}") try: self.api_secret = config[license_profile]['api_secret'] self.license_token = config[license_profile]['license_token']"Loading profile `{license_profile}`") except KeyError: info = f"Unknown license profile: {license_profile}" self.process_licensing_error(info) elif license_ini_search is True: info = f"License file not found: {license_ini}" self.process_licensing_error(info) else: logger.debug(f"Loading LUCIT license from environment: '{license_profile}_API_SECRET' and " f"'{license_profile}_LICENSE_TOKEN'") try: self.api_secret = os.environ[f'{license_profile}_API_SECRET'] self.license_token = os.environ[f'{license_profile}_LICENSE_TOKEN'] logger.debug(f"Loaded LUCIT license from environment: '{license_profile}_API_SECRET' and " f"'{license_profile}_LICENSE_TOKEN'") except KeyError: logger.debug(f'Can not load environment variables {license_profile}_API_SECRET and ' f'{license_profile}_LICENSE_TOKEN') self.api_secret = None self.license_token = None if self.sigterm is False:"New instance of lucit-licensing-python_{self.module_version}-python_" f"{str(platform.python_version())}-{'compiled' if cython.compiled else 'source'} on " f"{str(platform.system())} {str(platform.release())} started ...") if start is True and self.sigterm is False: self.start() while self.last_verified_licensing_result is None and self.sigterm is False and start is True: # Block the main process till a valid license is available time.sleep(0.1) licensing_exception = self.get_license_exception() if licensing_exception is not None: raise NoValidatedLucitLicense(licensing_exception) if self.sigterm is True: logger.warning(f"LUCIT License Manager is shutting down!") else: logger.debug(f"LUCIT License Manager is ready!") def __enter__(self): logger.debug(f"Entering with-context of LucitLicensingManager() ...") return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, error_traceback): logger.debug(f"Leaving with-context of LucitLicensingManager() ...") if self.is_started: self.stop() if exc_type is not None: logger.critical(f"An exception occurred: {exc_type} - {exc_value} - {error_traceback}") def __generate_signature(self, api_secret: str = None, data: dict = None) -> str: if api_secret is None or data is None: logger.error(f"The parameters 'api_secret' and 'data' must not be None! ") return "" ordered_data = self.__order_params(data) query_string = '&'.join(["{}={}".format(d[0], d[1]) for d in ordered_data]) hmac_string ='utf-8'), query_string.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256) return str(hmac_string.hexdigest()) @staticmethod def __order_params(data: dict = None) -> list: has_signature: bool = False params = [] for key, value in data.items(): if key == 'signature': has_signature = True else: params.append((key, value)) params.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) if has_signature: params.append(('signature', data['signature'])) return params def __private_request(self, api_secret: str = None, license_token: str = None, key_value: str = None, endpoint: str = None) -> dict: api_secret = api_secret if api_secret is not None else self.api_secret license_token = license_token if license_token is not None else self.license_token if api_secret is None or license_token is None: info = f"Please provide the api secret and license token of your lucit license! Read this article for " \ f"more information:" self.process_licensing_error(info) return {"error": f"License Not Found - {info}"} params = { "license_token": license_token, "id":, "mac": self.mac, "os": self.os, "program_used": self.program_used, "python_version": self.python_version, "timestamp": time.time()+self.time_delta, } if key_value is not None: params['key_value'] = key_value params["signature"] = self.__generate_signature(api_secret=api_secret, data=params) response = None try: response = requests.get(self.url+endpoint, params=params) response.raise_for_status() except (ConnectionError, RequestException, HTTPError): try: if response is None: return {"error": f"Connection Error - Connection could not be established."} else: if response.status_code == 404 or response.status_code == 500 or response.status_code == 503: return {"error": f"Connection Error - Connection could not be established."} else: try: return {"error": f"{response.status_code} {response.json()['detail']}"} except KeyError: return {"error": f"Connection Error - Connection could not be established."} except (UnboundLocalError, JSONDecodeError) as error_msg: if "HTTPConnectionPool" in str(error_msg): return {"error": f"Connection Error - Connection could not be established."} return {"error": f"{error_msg}"} result: dict = response.json() time_gap = time.time() + self.time_delta - float(result['timestamp']) if time_gap > 30 or time_gap < -30: return {"error": "Server timestamp in signed response is out of valid range."} try: if self.__verify_signature(api_secret=api_secret, params=result, signature=result["signature"]): return result else: return {"error": "Invalid Signature - The response is not signed correctly."} except KeyError: return {"error": "Missing Signature - The response is not signed."} def __public_request(self, endpoint: str = None) -> dict: response = None try: response = requests.get(self.url+endpoint) response.raise_for_status() except (ConnectionError, RequestException, HTTPError): try: if response is None: return {"error": f"Connection Error - Connection could not be established."} else: if response.status_code == 404 or response.status_code == 500 or response.status_code == 503: return {"error": f"Connection Error - Connection could not be established."} else: try: return {"error": f"{response.status_code} {response.json()['detail']}"} except KeyError: return {"error": f"Connection Error - Connection could not be established."} except (UnboundLocalError, JSONDecodeError) as error_msg: if "HTTPConnectionPool" in str(error_msg): return {"error": f"Connection Error - Connection could not be established."} return {"error": f"{error_msg}"} result: dict = response.json() return result def __verify_signature(self, api_secret: str = None, params: dict = None, signature: str = None) -> bool: params_without_signature: dict = deepcopy(params) try: del params_without_signature['signature'] except KeyError: logger.debug(f"params_without_signature['signature'] not deletable, it does not exist.") params_signature: str = self.__generate_signature(api_secret=api_secret, data=params_without_signature) if params_signature == signature: return True else: return False
[docs] def close(self, close_api_session: bool = True, key_value: str = None) -> dict: logger.debug(f"Stopping LUCIT Licensing Manager ...") self.sigterm = True if close_api_session is True and self.last_verified_licensing_result is not None: response = self.__private_request(api_secret=None, license_token=None, key_value=key_value, endpoint="close") else: response = {"close": {"status": "NOT_EXECUTED"}} if self.parent_shutdown_function is not None: logger.debug(f"Triggering shutdown of parent instance ...") self.parent_shutdown_function(close_api_session=False) self.parent_shutdown_function = None return response
[docs] def get_license_exception(self): return self.raised_license_exception
[docs] def set_license_exception(self, error): self.raised_license_exception = error
[docs] def get_info(self, api_secret: str = None, license_token: str = None) -> dict: return self.__private_request(api_secret=api_secret, license_token=license_token, endpoint="info")
[docs] def get_module_version(self): return self.module_version
[docs] def get_quotas(self, api_secret: str = None, license_token: str = None) -> dict: return self.__private_request(api_secret=api_secret, license_token=license_token, endpoint="quotas")
[docs] def get_timestamp(self) -> dict: return self.__public_request(endpoint="timestamp")
[docs] def get_version(self) -> dict: return self.__public_request(endpoint="version")
[docs] def is_verified(self) -> bool: if self.last_verified_licensing_result is None: return False else: return True
[docs] def process_licensing_error(self, info: str = None): logger.critical(info) self.set_license_exception(info) self.sigterm = True if self.is_started is True: self.parent_shutdown_function(close_api_session=False)
[docs] def reset(self, api_secret: str = None, license_token: str = None) -> dict: return self.__private_request(api_secret=api_secret, license_token=license_token, endpoint="reset")
[docs] def run(self): connection_errors = 0 too_many_requests_errors = 0 while self.sigterm is False: license_result = self.verify() if license_result.get('license') is not None: if license_result['license']['licensed_product'] != self.needed_license_type: info = f"License not usable, its issued for product " \ f"'{license_result['license']['licensed_product']}'. Please contact our support: " \ f"" self.process_licensing_error(info) break else: if license_result['license']['status'] == "VALID": try: self.last_verified_licensing_result = license_result request_interval = int(license_result['license']['request_interval']) if request_interval != self.request_interval: logger.debug(f"Setting `request_interval` to {request_interval}") self.request_interval = request_interval-1 except KeyError: pass logger.debug(f"LUCIT License validated for product: " f"{license_result['license']['licensed_product']}") else: info = f"Unsuccessful verification! License Status: {license_result['license']['status']}" self.process_licensing_error(info) break elif license_result.get('error') is not None: if "403 Forbidden" in license_result['error']: if "Forbidden - Timestamp not valid" in license_result['error']: logger.error(f"Timestamp not valid - Syncing time ...") self.sync_time() elif "403 Forbidden - Access forbidden due to misuse of test licenses." in license_result['error']: info = f"Access forbidden due to misuse of test licenses. Please get a valid license from " \ f"the LUCIT Online Shop: {self.shop_product_url}" logger.critical(info) self.process_licensing_error(info) break elif "403 Forbidden - Insufficient access rights." in license_result['error']: logger.critical(f"{license_result['error']}") info = f"The license is invalid! Please get a valid license from the LUCIT Online " \ f"Shop: {self.shop_product_url}" if self.last_verified_licensing_result is None: self.process_licensing_error(info) else: self.process_licensing_error(info) break else: logger.critical(f"Caught unknown license error: {license_result['error']}") info = f"Unknown error! Please submit an issue on GitHub:" \ f"and-Development/lucit-licensing-python/issues/new?labels=bug&projects=&template=" \ f"bug_report.yml" self.process_licensing_error(info) break elif "429 Too Many Requests" in license_result['error']: logger.critical(f"{license_result['error']}") if self.last_verified_licensing_result is None: # If there never was a successful verification, we stop immediately info = f"Too many requests to the LUCIT Licensing API! Not able to verify the license!" self.process_licensing_error(info) break else: if connection_errors > 9: # This stopps an already running instance if the API rate limit gets hit for more # than 90 min info = f"Too many requests to the LUCIT Licensing API! Not able to verify the license " \ f"for more than 90 minutes!" self.process_licensing_error(info) break too_many_requests_errors += 1 # 600 * 9 = 90 minutes # API rate limits expire after 60 minutes, so running instances survive even if the user # unintentionally exceeds the LUCIT API rate limits continuously for 30 minutes. time.sleep(600) continue elif "Connection Error - Connection could not be established" in license_result['error']: logger.critical(f"{license_result['error']}") if self.last_verified_licensing_result is None: # If there never was a successful verification, we after 3 retries if connection_errors > 3: info = f"Connection to LUCIT Licensing API could not be established. Please try " \ f"again later!" self.process_licensing_error(info) break else: # This stopps an already running instance if the Connection is down for more than 90 minutes if connection_errors > 9: info = f"Connection to LUCIT Licensing API could not be established. Please try " \ f"again later!" self.process_licensing_error(info) break connection_errors += 1 # 600 * 9 = 90 minutes # Running instances survive even if the LUCIT API is not connectable for 90 minutes time.sleep(600) continue elif "License Not Found" in license_result['error']: logger.warning(f"LUCIT License Manager is shutting down!") break else: logger.critical(f"Unknown error: {license_result['error']} - Please submit an issue on GitHub: " f"" f"new?labels=bug&projects=&template=bug_report.yml") break else: logger.critical(f"Unknown error: {license_result} - Please submit an issue on GitHub: " f"" f"new?labels=bug&projects=&template=bug_report.yml") break connection_errors = 0 too_many_requests_errors = 0 for _ in range(self.request_interval * 60): if self.sigterm is False: threading.Event().wait(1) else: break
[docs] def stop(self) -> dict: return self.close()
[docs] def sync_time(self) -> bool: try: self.time_delta = float(self.get_timestamp()['timestamp']) - time.time() return True except KeyError: return False
[docs] def test(self) -> dict: return self.__public_request(endpoint="test")
[docs] def verify(self, api_secret: str = None, license_token: str = None, key_value: str = None) -> dict: return self.__private_request(api_secret=api_secret, license_token=license_token, key_value=key_value, endpoint="verify")